Hoi familie!!
Another week, almost another month.. and things are still just going great! Isaac was confirmed, and he asked me to do that honor.. it was great, first time that i have given someone the holy ghost who wasn't dead!! It was a neat expirience the spirit was strong, and it was neat to talk with him a little afterwards about it.. He's on fire, we had an appointment the day before he was confirmed and we focused on his wife Christiana, she understands but doesn't speak english really.. just the native Ghanian dialect (one of them) twi, so we brought a twi speaker with us, and long story short, it went great and we set a baptismal date with her for the first week of 2012.. It was great, she is super excited, and wants to follow the example of her husband.. there two little girls just love church! They participated in the primary program in sacrament meeting yesterday, did absolutely great! Our other family were teaching Kwame, who also has a baptismal date with his 10 year old daughter Elizabeth, doing awesome as well, came to church again, for the second week in a row.. Elizabeth participated also in the program with her little siblings, and then a recently baptized family with also a bunch of little children, that we have been working with, they came and those kids also participated in the program! Half the kids there were from those three families, me and my companion couldn't help but feel good knowing that through our efforts, half the kids who go to primary are from families were working with!!
It was another great week with new investigators, our other investigators have all caught the missionary bug, and keep bringing there friends to our appointments!! Ling our chinese student, she brought two of her friends to our last appointment, appointment made for this coming tuesday.. it was great.. Kwame, that brother is trying to convert the world, his uncle waited two hours at there house before our appointment to meet us, to let us know he wants to sign into our church.. So were going to share the restoration with them this coming week!! These are just a few examples, isaacs daughters with there husbands we met with this past week; all agreed to hearing more, just a great great story!!
But gotta go, getting kicked off the computer,
Love you all!!
Peace love
Elder Mohrman