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Monday, September 26, 2011

doing great....

Hoi familie!!

I don´t have a lot of time.. but I made some bullet points that I wanted to say to you all!!
First.. We went to tom´s choir last monday.. it was interesting.. we didn´t sing in it.. just listened.. as dutch as it could have possibly been. Interesting expirience.. nobody was really happy that we were there, but Tom was. We committed him to reading everyday in the book of mormon til general conference.. and I shared with him that lamp story you sent me dad.. it was an amazing powerful lessen.. he said he would do his best, then he said he would do it.. going back tomorrow night, and he said he´s going to bring a neighbor with him to the appointment.. so that´s really neat.. Tom.. wow.. He´s probably one of my more favorite investigators/people i´ve met on my mission.. who would of thought that a relationship/friendship could be built and mean so much between a 50 year old dutch man and a 20 year old american kid.. Amazing...
We set a couple more baptismal dates this week! One with Pat.. really excited about that, she got permission from her husband, and she´s pretty much saying forget the in-laws.. I want this for myself.. she still has a long way to go, but she made that step in committing to a date.. really happy about that.. also set a baptismal date with Bas, the man we were told to go visit by a returned visiting missionary pete arens.. He´s doing amazing, and he wants to make the changes in his life.. i´ve never seen someone so dedicated to the committments that we give.. Pretty amazing story..
So hendryetta did not go through.. but aaltje did.. pretty special seeing aaltje get baptized.. had a lot of flashbacks to where she was when I first met her, to now seeing the glow in her eyes.. one of the more amazing stories from my mission I think.. but of course there´s opposition in all things, and aaltje and her familie aren´t doing so hot right now.. which is affecting hendryetta.. but hendryetta is still committed to being baptized.. she just needs a lot of prayers.. so thank you for all the prayers that have and will be said.
I have more that I could and would like to say.. but I´m in a hurry, just wanted to give some updates on these people.. the 20 year old girl that we found.. she´s now investigating.. really cool appointment.. so the lord is still blessing this area, and i´m still blessed to be in it!
Transfers are the middle of october.. i have no idea if i´ll be transfered or not.. normally it´s between 3-4 transfers in one place.. this is my third..
Love you all, thanks so much for your emails!
Tot ziens,
Elder Mohrman

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