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Monday, June 6, 2011

Heerlen... Last Week =0

Hoi Familie!

The adventure in Heerlen is coming to a close. And what a fun adventure it has been! I had a lot of mixed feelings going into Sunday, the day we find out about transfers. At the beginning of the week, things were going slow, our most positive investigators were dropping off the face of the earth, and I just really felt like it was my time to go! As the week went on however, we had some amazing appointments and re-contacted most of our investigators, with the peak coming yesterday, hearing that Rick (the american referral, who was anti-ed) had convinced the lady (who had antied him) to listen to us. And we should be having our first appointment with him hopefully tonight. Also made contact and made strides with other families that we were teaching, so going into Sunday, I didn't want to leave this place! It was back on fire.. things were going great with the companion, with investigators.. but while I was on the phone talking with some members about Rick actually last night, My president called and gave the news that I am indeed being transferred. I'm headed to Spijkenisse? No idea how you spell it, but it's a suberb of Rotterdam, which is more known. My companion is going to be Elder Davies, who is going to be going on his 5th transfer, so.. I'm going to be a senior companion for the first time on my mission! Crazy huh? I'm excited I know Elder Davies from the MTC, and I've been on a couple of exchanges with him when I was serving in Den Haag. I'm looking forward to this transfer, it's going to be definitely interesting.. Get out of my american bubble i've been in here in Heerlen and back into the world of Dutch!! I've really enjoyed my time in Heerlen like i've said.. the people here are amazing.. Calling the members back who I was on the phone with at the time Pres. called. They invited us over to have dinner and ice cream tonight to say goodbye.. so that will be fun..
Concerning Lilian, her baptism did not go through sad to say, she called the day before her interview and told us she wasn't ready.. not yet.. she is still going to come to church and investigate, but she said that it was too fast, and she needed more time to prepare.. but to be honest, I feel it's what''s best is for her. She'll be able to now have more time to read the Book of mormon, and to build relationships with the ward.. I was going to be the one to actually baptize her.. so obviously I can't now, but I'm looking forward to hearing when she finally does get baptized. Keep praying for her ;)
Well the next couple of days are going to be a lot of good byes.. to investigators, and too members. But last week for p-day which was kind of fun and interesting, after emailing you all, me and my companion decided to take an adventure and we biked to the three land point of germany, netherlands, and belgium.. I repeat we BIKED there.. about 15 or so miles there.. (hilly country mind you) then as the 3 land point is on a massive hill, we did a lot of mountain biking on trails.. thought of Mitch, he would of been proud =) and then we rode back.. so all in all I would say we did a good 35 to 40 MILES of biking last monday...what an adventure.. I'll have to tell you more about it sometime ;) But because of that and other fun stuff we've been doing on P-days, I've had no time to write letters.. so if you've written me a letter, I would just ask for patience with me! I'll try to get them out as soon as possible!! I haven't forgotten or ignoring you!
But I think that's about it.. my new address is
saffraanstraat 261
3193 XK hoogvliet
So.. yeah.. thank you all for the emails.. they were wonderful.. and love you all!
-Elder Mohrman

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