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Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012 I'm happy...

Hoi Familie! 
How is everything going?? Thank you so much for all the emails!! I think I got an email from most people in the family, which doesn't happen every week!  Thank you so much =)  Another chapter of the story of Isaac and Christiana is complete, Isaac baptized his wife yesterday, and this coming sunday she will become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints, beautiful story, cute new young family of the church.  I love them with all my heart.  Another family that I love with all my heart, Sonia!  And her kids.. and they came once again to church yesterday, stayed for the baptism.. miracles left and right.. we had two great appointments with her last week, even brought Isaac on joint teach, the second appointment met the husband, and tonight we'll read Alma 32 with her, and invite her to be baptized, and you know, I really feel like she'll say yes.  And if she's not ready for a date tonight, I have no doubt whatsoever that she will be baptized.  It's an amazing feeling, really, when you care so much about someone, you pray for them, you fast for them, and then you see god's hand in there lives blessing them in ways they can't even imagine.. It's amazing seeing people grow in the gospel, it's amazing how the gospel changes and improves lives.. I was reading in the Book of Mormon the other day, and I found the "Return Missionary" chapter, Alma 26.. Great chapter and one that I'm starting to relate to already, and one that I know that I will relate too at the end of my mission.. Hopefully a chapter that every Return missionary relates too.. It's beautiful, and a few months ago, when I was still in spijkenisse, I sent an email home expressing how I was feeling.. I said I felt Happy.  Well the other night I was laying in my bed just thinking about everything, and I came to the conclusion that the best way to describe how I was feeling, is I'm just happy again.  So many things is happening, so many people to teach, so many blessings just keep pouring in.. We have another man, also from Ghana, who was a referral from a set of sister missoinaries in Amsterdam, we taught him a lessen about prophets, we told him that there was a prophet on the earth today, and asked if he wanted to know if that was true or not.. he said of course he did, and when he prayed as we left, he said a very beautful, sincere prayer asking if there was indeed a prophet on the earth.. Were really excited about him, and also, I think it's a sign, I took a few spanish lessens from a sister in the ward you know, next think I know, we have many south american investigators!!  They just keep popping up, I think I'm going to learn spanish just because I'm surrounded by it so much =P  But it's been great, had a pretty cool moment yesterday in church, we had a combined priesthood and relief society, and all four of us missionaries were translating, my companion into french, sister kraemer into french too I think, me and the other sister were translating into english.. just an interesting fun exprience, I've realized while doing translation the few time that i have done it, it is just teaching.. I don't get all the words, just the gist of what is being said, so then I just teach the subject, and the lady that I was translating too, she just started asking questions, and so really instead of translation, just a had a nice discussion with this lady who is a little less-active.. cool expireince.. So much more to share, but out of time!  Thank you again for all the emails, it makes my day when I get to hear from you all.. Have a wonderful day! 
Your son, bro, and friend!
-Elder Mohrman

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