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Monday, June 25, 2012

greetings training with a great Elder :)

Hoi familie!!
You know I told my new companion that you would google him, once they found out who he was, and i was right! =P  Ha ha Elder Van Komen, fresh out of america, fresh in a lot of things.. been a very interesting 5 days.   Definitely see the blessing of getting this opportunity to train, especailly at this stage of my mission.  The most interesting part has been to observe him, and how he handles things that we come across.. the absolute excitement of setting up an appointment, or having a great lessen, to the hardcore dissapointment of when that appointment we set up doesn't go through, or when there not positive in a lessen.. really have seen how important it is to not let the little things get you down.. to just shrug off dissapointments, and just look forward to the coming appointment or day..He's a good guy, has a big heart, powerful testimony, and i'm looking forward to what these 12 weeks with him will have in store for me.. what I'll learn!  Definitely will keep me on my toes!  He is one that likes to ask the questions!  But this past week to give a little more detail, we got back into contact with Ramone the young man in the wheelchair, after not having any contact with him for a couple weeks, found out that he was in jail for those two weeks.. organized everything again for him to come to church again, had a great lessen with his cousin brian, had a great lessen with his uncle leonardo, all three were going to come to church, of course they didn't show, but we have there numbers and addresses, so we'll go look them up pretty soon.. Ramone.. ramone.. going to be one of those roller coaster investigators.. but most of the roller coasters I've been apart of on my mission have been the times where I've seen the most miracles.. so I'm excited it'll be a great challenge for me and Elder Van komen.. Elder Van komen is really great with people, so i'm excited.. good things are going to happen here =)  Other than that, our investigators are dropping like flies.. but that's okay, no feeling of sadness, because we have a lot of good things that will happen soon, I just have that feeling.. which is really nice to have, because to be honest this past week was the worst numbers week i have ever had on my mission.  I think before I would be feeling bad, and being like, man, what in the world am I doing wrong??!  But I don't feel that right now, just.. peace.. were also getting our phillipino fix, set up appointments with all the phillipinos in our ward, so I get to feel like stefi this coming week! 
Bit of sad news, the senior couple that was serving here in Den Haag, the sister, Sister Moore, passed away over the weekend.. she had been really sick, but still really shocking, even more so, because at the Jovo Centrum we were there, and we didn't have anything that night, (appointment fell through)  and instead of just going home, decided to stay and just talk with the moore's just get to know them better, talk about life.. really cool, really neat because sister moore pretty much bore her testimony of how great elder moore was and how supportive he was in her life through all her sicknesses and what not.. and then she passed away that evening.. really glad I followed that feeling to just talk with them, even though most people would of thought that, that would be a waste of time.. had some pretty good appointments with members this past week, just giving support and love, this one brother from nigeria, he is really sick, has to go to the hospital every day, his family is all in nigeria and he has no one here, we have been visiting him, and he is a sport FANATIC.. so funny listening to him talk about sports.. he get's really into it, but it's neat to see how appreciative he is of our visits.. memories for life! 
Love you all so much, thanks for all the emails,
Tot de volgende week!
Elder Mohrman

Monday, June 18, 2012

Another beautiful day in the Netherlands

Hoi familie! 

First news to report, Stephen was baptized this weekend!  Oh man, it was amazing, the spirit was so strong, just a really amazing service.. You couldn't ask for a better service then the one that he got, just super smooth, lots of people came and supported him, really, really cool, after the service, we were sitting in the back arranging everything, and he runs back to us and says "I couldn't wait" and gives me and my companion a big ol hug!  His wife and daughter spoke at his baptism, expressing there joy and happiness that now every member of the family is baptized.. Were going over tonight for an "African feast" with them =) 
Second news, transfers is this wednesday, we heard last night, I get to stay, no suprise, but I lose my companion, and I'm getting a brand spanking new companion.. I'm training =O Thought it wouldn't happen, thought that I would slip under the radar, but they got me!  Oh well, new challenge, new expirience, so looking forward to it.. trainings last 12 weeks.. I have, as it just so happens, 12 weeks, so this will probably most likely be my last companion.. craziness.. but i'm really happy with the work right now, we have some people that could really progress, and they have already started the journey, going to try and help this one man, his name is Angelo stop with weed.. he's been addicted since he was 11.. going to be probably the hardest person to teach on my entire mission, but he's willing, and he's asking us for help.. it should be interesting.. Never really had to help people stop a hardcore addiction..  We have some other people who should be getting back on the radar, Fang, our chinese friend, has already said that he wants to be baptized, but we haven't had contact with him for a couple of weeks because he's been writing a thesis paper.. but now that should be done, and hopefully we'll be able to get him prepared pretty quickly.. thanks for all the support and love, This is going to be an exciting transfer! 
Love your faces,
Elder Mohrman

Monday, June 11, 2012

Another brand new week

Hoi familie!! 

Thanks for all the emails, great to know what's going on with everyones life!!  This past week was a very busy week, filled with all sort of great, wonderful, and even humorous things.. we were extremely busy with many appointments, and the best news from this past week is that Stephen is going to be baptized this coming saturday.  Really excited, him and his whole family is really excited about it.  A couple other investigators who fell of the radar, came back on, and also on the flip side, a couple of investigators that were doing really well, fell off.. so another great week, and really looking forward to this coming week, it's going to be jam packed, with exchanges, and a mission conference, where our mission president will say goodbye to us all, so yes, if you have any questions about life over here, please feel free to ask them!  Right now is the european championship (soccer)  It is massive here, and everyone is going crazy, orange everywhere, doesn't matter who you are, everyone is stoked about it.. i've never seen so much pride in a team before in my life.. sad thing is though that netherlands who were highly favored to win lost there first game, and now everyone is a little depressed.. interesting how missionary work will be effected because of a sporting event!  So we have also been visiting and offering support to a lot of different people, recent converts, and what not, and it just never gets old developing relationships with people, getting to know them, understanding what makes them tick..
Well I love you all, i'll hopefully have the chance to send pics of the baptism next week, if not, you'll see it soon enough =P 
Love your faces!
Elder Mohrman

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hoi Hoi

Hoi familie!!

Life is great here in Den Haag!! My companion is a character, he's on his 3rd transfer, so a pretty big gap, and we just get along super well!!  It's ridiculous how much fun were having here, don't worry though, were not out of control, were doing the work, and were doing good work, which is why were having so much fun!  Too many stories, too many expiriences, i don't know where to begin!  I guess i'll start with stephen, he is going to get baptized on the 16th, he is a great guy, and i don't think i've taught anyone so prepared in my life.. we taught tithing, and before we could, he pulled out the scripture in malachi about the blessings of tithing.. he has no questions, just gets everything, just waiting patiently for his baptismal day, and his chance to then go to the temple to be sealed with his family.. we are scrambling to find something that we can do for him, help him in some way, but he just says he's fine, he's wonderful, so me and my companion are now doing ''operation serve stephen''  and all that we came up with is to make him some bread, so we'll suprise him with some freshly baked bread, were excited =) 
Had some great lessens with some other investigators, i'm slowly meeting all the people here in den haag, we also have found some new investigators that were excited about, I think I told you about the young man in the wheelchair that stopped us, but we had an appointment with him this past week, and he's solid, so grateful for the book of mormon, and has committed to follow the lessens and everything.  He has a very humbling story, fell off of a 4 story buidling and broke his back, became paralyzed, but has slowly worked his way back so he can at least have some mobility in his legs, can't walk or anything, and what's truly amazing is that he lives at the top of a 4 story building, with no elevator, so every day, he climbs up and down the stairs using just his hands.. humbling story, and a very humble man, I want to help him so bad, and I hope that everything works out for him.. we should be having an appointment tonight, so we'll see how the second appointment goes.  We have this chinese student, his name is fang, what's cool about him is he's really good friends with sun, who i taught and he was eventually baptized the first time around that i was in den haag.  Fang has a testimony, and we are helping him get through his busy schedule, but i asked him if he wanted to be baptized, and he said that he did.. so good things happening here, and it just keeps getting better!!  The lord is really blessing us, there was another man in a wheelchair that stopped us, and said that he wanted to talk to us, and also this random lady from nigeria called us and said she's coming back end of june and wants to meet with us, this past sunday an old investigator from a few months ago, just walked into church unannounced and said had had just come back from vacation and wanted to continue the lessens now.. so many random miracles all at once, we don't know what's going on here, but god is blessing us, so were just taking it all in stride!! 
Well love you all, hope all is well, enjoy your summer, because over here its just raining... really just fantastic, especially on a bike again =P  ha ha
Have a wonderful week! 
Elder Mohrman