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Monday, June 25, 2012

greetings training with a great Elder :)

Hoi familie!!
You know I told my new companion that you would google him, once they found out who he was, and i was right! =P  Ha ha Elder Van Komen, fresh out of america, fresh in a lot of things.. been a very interesting 5 days.   Definitely see the blessing of getting this opportunity to train, especailly at this stage of my mission.  The most interesting part has been to observe him, and how he handles things that we come across.. the absolute excitement of setting up an appointment, or having a great lessen, to the hardcore dissapointment of when that appointment we set up doesn't go through, or when there not positive in a lessen.. really have seen how important it is to not let the little things get you down.. to just shrug off dissapointments, and just look forward to the coming appointment or day..He's a good guy, has a big heart, powerful testimony, and i'm looking forward to what these 12 weeks with him will have in store for me.. what I'll learn!  Definitely will keep me on my toes!  He is one that likes to ask the questions!  But this past week to give a little more detail, we got back into contact with Ramone the young man in the wheelchair, after not having any contact with him for a couple weeks, found out that he was in jail for those two weeks.. organized everything again for him to come to church again, had a great lessen with his cousin brian, had a great lessen with his uncle leonardo, all three were going to come to church, of course they didn't show, but we have there numbers and addresses, so we'll go look them up pretty soon.. Ramone.. ramone.. going to be one of those roller coaster investigators.. but most of the roller coasters I've been apart of on my mission have been the times where I've seen the most miracles.. so I'm excited it'll be a great challenge for me and Elder Van komen.. Elder Van komen is really great with people, so i'm excited.. good things are going to happen here =)  Other than that, our investigators are dropping like flies.. but that's okay, no feeling of sadness, because we have a lot of good things that will happen soon, I just have that feeling.. which is really nice to have, because to be honest this past week was the worst numbers week i have ever had on my mission.  I think before I would be feeling bad, and being like, man, what in the world am I doing wrong??!  But I don't feel that right now, just.. peace.. were also getting our phillipino fix, set up appointments with all the phillipinos in our ward, so I get to feel like stefi this coming week! 
Bit of sad news, the senior couple that was serving here in Den Haag, the sister, Sister Moore, passed away over the weekend.. she had been really sick, but still really shocking, even more so, because at the Jovo Centrum we were there, and we didn't have anything that night, (appointment fell through)  and instead of just going home, decided to stay and just talk with the moore's just get to know them better, talk about life.. really cool, really neat because sister moore pretty much bore her testimony of how great elder moore was and how supportive he was in her life through all her sicknesses and what not.. and then she passed away that evening.. really glad I followed that feeling to just talk with them, even though most people would of thought that, that would be a waste of time.. had some pretty good appointments with members this past week, just giving support and love, this one brother from nigeria, he is really sick, has to go to the hospital every day, his family is all in nigeria and he has no one here, we have been visiting him, and he is a sport FANATIC.. so funny listening to him talk about sports.. he get's really into it, but it's neat to see how appreciative he is of our visits.. memories for life! 
Love you all so much, thanks for all the emails,
Tot de volgende week!
Elder Mohrman

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