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Monday, August 15, 2011

Great week!

Hoi Familie!

This week, was just a happy week. Had some downer moments sure.. but the highs were amazing.. Last week when I sent my email on wednesday I said I was going to go to an appointment to try and set a baptismal date.. that appointment was with one of those three sisters that we've been teaching, Aaltje.
Aaltje is the middle sister, the oldest is Hendryetta with the baptismal date, and then the youngest is Petra.. this was our first lessen with Aaltje without the other two sisters.. What an amazing appointment.. She had asked us to meet with her seperatley, and the progression with this girl has been extroardinary.. I'll back up a little bit, she was found by Elder Davies and the other Elder before me.. and had one lessen with them before I came.. My first lessen we talked about faith, and shared Alma 32 with her.. she was very skeptical, didn't beleive in god.. but did believe in something.. would not pray.. she had said that if she would pray she would be a hyprocrite.. would not come to church, because of bad expiriences in the past.. and really wasn't that open because her life was okay at the moment for now.. but we shared that chapter, told her and promised her that if she does the invitations that we give, and read and what not, she would notice something change in her.. that she would feel a seed grow in her.. again.. very skeptical.. but she said why not.. so she read a little bit at first.. then a little more.. then she went to a young adult center and liked it.. she started to pray on her own every now and then.. then a little more and a little more.. and every week was a noticable change in her.. even though she was trying to fight it, the gospel of jesus christ was touching her life and we were excited.. it's neat so see the light of christ fill someone up.. Well eventually she went to church.. she liked church.. she prayed out loud for the first time and thought that was a neat exprience.. and she just opened up more and more, and made many new friends and made so much progression.. so last wednesday, we shared once again Alma 32.. asked her if she remembered it.. she said she did.. asked her if this chapter was applicable to her.. and she said it was.. We were able to bare our testimony's about how much growth and progression we have seen in her.. and I lie not, she was glowing.. absolute transformation. We set a baptismal date with her.. for September 24th.. and as we were walking away from that appointment My companion had tears in his eyes, and I had a itch in mine.. so powerful.. so much joy.. One of the best moments of my mission so far.. ;)
We made great steps with our other investigators as well.. Dwight and Natasha we talked to them about the commandments and what they need to do to be baptized.. Dwight committed to living the word of wisdom, and as of yesterday has been clean.. there really excited for there baptism which is now on the 27th of august.. Hendryetta came to church once again.. meaning all of our baptismal dates were at church! It was amazing.. Tom, said he would come to the baptismal service of Dwight and natasha, and we gave him Joseph Smith the prophet of the restoration movie to watch as well as the movie about President Monson.. Another Investigator, who has been investigating for two years wants to be baptized this coming saturday! But that won't happen.. but hopefully in a couple weeks.. an inactive family came to church that we've been visiting! That was super, wish I had more time to tell you about that appointment.. and the other miracles that happened this week.. but.. alas.. I don't have any more time! Thank you all for your emails! Love you all so much!
Pray for these people.. there all going through some sort of adversity but there making it.. slowly but surely there making it to baptism!! ;)
Tot Ziens!
Elder Mohrman

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