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Monday, April 4, 2011

Heerlen...bummer...forgot what week....9

Hoi Familie!

Hoe gaat het met idereen?? Hopelijk alles is goed met jullie. So this past week was not bad.. weather is getting better and better every day.. we had our first day in the 70's.. oh man that was nice.. really hot and warm in a suit coat.. but hey.. no complaints.. I'm tired of the cold!

Last week for P-day we visited 6 different castles in our area.. that was pretty cool, granted.. some of them were just old rich man mansions that they just stuck the label "castle" on them.. but still really neat.. a lot of history.. don't know what were going to do today.. It's a little cold so I think were going to take a rustig day =P Went on a few exchanges this week first one was with Elder Taylor.. he's on his 2nd transfer.. so I got to play senior companion again ;) It was fun, he came to heerlen, and we had a few appointments and did some finding.. had a pretty neat experience, we have this investigator her name is Rosemary, she's from Jamaica.. we only meet with her once a week, because her husband is anti religion.. and because of that we don't have your number because she doesn't want us calling and having the husband answer.. so all we have is her word that she'll be at appointments.. and she's kept all of them for the past 6-7 weeks.. but.. this week.. she missed it.. and we had no way to contact her so it was kinda a bummer.. but as we were finishing up our consecrated hour.. we knock on Rosemary's best friends door, and she's in the house! So we were able to set up another appointment, and even have her friend as a potential now! It was pretty neat.. most would say coincidence.. but.. I don't think so.. it was random how we found her again.. she's a really sweet lady, I hope things work out with her.. bummer anti-god husbands, they just cause problems!!

Went on another exchange in Gent, Belgium, Elder Mickelsen did his little District meeting thing, so I got to go to Belgium for the day, and this time got paired up with a Greenie, who's only been in the land for two weeks.. so got to play senior companion a lot this week! It was fun, Elder Calkins is the Elder's name in Gent, and we actually had a lot of success.. taught like 5 lessens to people on the street.. had another appointment with one of there investigators.. and He got us lost! So.. cool exchange ;) It's interesting Belgium and Netherlands are very different.. the buildings in Belgium (or at least Gent) they look fake almost.. like something you'd see in Disney world or something.. I dunno.. it's just strange.. Feels almost 3rd worldish.. maybe because they don't have a government or something =P One lady we talked too, elder Calkins and I, she thought that Elder Calkins looked 16.. and so I asked how old she thought I was.. she said maybe I was born in like 1987!! ha ha It was funny because Elder Calkins is older than I am.. don't think I look that old do I??

Well I told you about my opportunity to give a member a blessing last week.. well this week I went on splits with her husband and we went to some former investigators that we have never met before.. and I got to give my first blessing in Dutch!! Wow.. pretty intense.. really simple, really basic.. but I remember Elder Oaks talk in the April Priesthood session Conference in 2010, so.. doesn't matter if it's simple or basic.. a blessing is a blessing.. it was a pretty neat experience.. the man started to cry, because he felt "heavy on his head" and his wife started to tear up as well.. I'm being really blessed on my mission concerning blessings.. pretty much every one that I've been apart of something really neat and powerful has happened..

Conference though, that was great. Period. (Kim =P) First session the Saturday morning started at 6 p.m live here.. and we were only allowed to watch it if we watched it with an investigator.. so we were scrambling all week trying to find someone, and we ended up going to an investigator's house, his name is serge he's from Congo.. doesn't speak English, and knows Dutch.. so I got to watch my first conference session in Dutch! check that off my bucket list ha ha it was interesting.. I was just glad to be able to watch it.. Then we went to Antwerpen for Priesthood sunday morning.. and then we stayed at our Bishop's house all day with his family and we watched Saturday afternoon, and Sunday Morning was live at 6 p.m.. so two sessions live.. two recorded sessions and we didn't get to see the last session.. kinda a bummer.. but it is what it is.. really loved Pres. Monsons talk on Temples.. then the choir sings Spirit of God.. powerful.. there was a lot of neat talks during conference.. but I've already spent enough time with this email'=P Thanks for the emails everyone.. Hope you all have a great wonderful week..

Ik houd van jullie!!!
Tot Ziens

--Elder Mohrman

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