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Monday, July 16, 2012

basic week with a great companion

Hoi familie!
Too be honest, not much to report this week on the front of missionary work.. Did have a wonderful appointment with Amma at the beginning of the week, she brought her cousin along, huge blessing that she even met her, different story, but anyways brought her along, we were able to teach her the restoration, and Amma.. bless her heart, Amma bears her testimony to her cousin letting her know this is good, and that even with her situation she has felt happiness these past two weeks since she met us.. super cool.. but then since everything can't go super smoothly, we had three appointments that did not go through with her to close out the week =0  stuff happened, but she's still good, still positive, a little hiccup, that were hopefully going to solve this evening.. hopefully will also be able to set a baptismal date with her.. that would be really nice.. I would like that very much.. so were hoping now for August for her.. Keep her in your prayers, and thanks.. because I know you all have ;)
Other than that, things were SUPER slow this past week.. oh man.. but it's okay, had great visits with some members, and we have things back on track with other investigators.. and just finding the joy in the day to day journey!  Slow weeks happens, just a little annoying when you don't have too many weeks to spare! =P  But on a side note completely away from missionary work, I'm getting a lot better at soccer.. suprise suprise, got the soccer bug bad!  We play every morning with the other two missionaries in our apartment.. so far we haven't lost yet =P  Also playing some ping pong.. representing the family name well don't you worry ;)  So having fun, just need to get some more action going on the missionary front, and it will be paradise here!  Love my new companion, I don't think I've ever talked so deeply about life with anyone before.. well more listen to someone talk so deeply about life before.. he has a story for everything, good guy.. interesting.. but a good guy.. lovin' the members here.. oh man, so many cool people!  Wish I could tell you about them all!  Helped a member get on the path to get her patriarchal blessing that she lost 4 years ago.. seeing the joy on her face when she found out that she'll be able to get a copy of it again.. giving blessings.. ahh.. cool stuff! 
But thanks for all you do!  or the support, for the love,
Have a wonderful week!
Elder Mohrman

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